Contributing to the wellness philosophy of companies
consulting company
#Management Support #Wellness Philosophy #Diversity & Inclusion
# Support for women's empowerment # Multicultural # WE value
Diversity and inclusion created by the circle of “wellness”
Diversity and inclusion initiatives, such as the declining working population and the diversity of value concepts, are important elements in future management strategies.
We will respect diversity, set D&I policies and D&I goals and plans based on wellness, and assist in the establishment and implementation of subsequent D&I systems.

Custom-made type, build D&I linked to corporate philosophy
We provide custom-made consulting according to the situation of each business. We get a firm grasp of the company's strengths and weaknesses, investigate future trends, and analyze the impact on the company's value chain. We will identify medium- and long-term issues in the D&I vision, put the D&I activity plan on the PDCA cycle, develop goals in each field, and set KPIs and KGIs.
from a wealth of knowledge and experience
Building systems and strategies for promoting women's participation
Our consultants, who have extensive experience in Europe and the United States, will utilize their experience and know-how to support your company. Regardless of age, gender, or life events (marriage, childcare, divorce, nursing care, family transfer, etc.), we will help create an organization that can respond flexibly and agilely, centering on the knowledge and skills of each individual. We will help create a system where female human resources can play an active role by focusing on the individual, rather than treating women as an entire woman.
Building a multicultural and gender-free internal organization
It is important to maximize the abilities of each employee with various backgrounds, and to effectively demonstrate and maximize their potential. We will help create an organization that reflects the D&I vision at all stages of the company life cycle, such as smooth integration of non-Japanese human resources and correct understanding of LGBT.
Purpose communication to convey D&I management
It is important to communicate D&I initiatives to stakeholders. It is important to summarize the company's long-term business initiatives such as D&I initiatives and sustainability, and the value of existence, and convey them to stakeholders. We will propose and support purpose communication based on our management philosophy, such as "what, to whom, and how?"
Organization of vision concept
By clarifying the company's raison d'etre, important policies, vision, etc., we will prepare a basis for thinking about D&I that is closely related to management.
Implementation content:
We will interview managers and employees, collect and re-edit words in the company. We will formulate the corporate concept, which is the core idea of the company, and the behavioral indicators of the statement.
Development of D&I policy
By formulating a D&I policy that organizes the priority issues of D&I in the management strategy, we will clarify the vector and increase the promotion power.
Implementation content:
First of all, we will listen to your business content, management plan, and organizational structure. We will formulate a D&I policy tailored to each company.
Development of KPI
By clarifying specific plans and indicators (KPIs) for evaluating their results, D&I activities can be promoted more in line with policies.
Implementation content:
D&I Considering from two aspects, what kind of approach is necessary to get closer to the goals expressed in the D&I policy, and whether the activities we are already doing can contribute to the wood industry, Set optimal KPIs.
Development of D&I management system
We will establish D&I within the company by implementing the PCDA cycle, which is to implement and improve the set KPIs and targets.
Implementation content:
We will systematize how we will consider and plan the execution, evaluation, and improvement internally, based on the current organization.
D&I Activity Report & Communication
Communicate D&I initiatives both internally and externally,We propose and support purpose communication based on management philosophy.
Implementation content:
We create activity reports on D&I initiatives for stakeholders such as business partners, employees, customers, society, shareholders, and government agencies, and propose communication for each purpose. increase. It is important to communicate globally through SNS, websites, videos, etc.
Wellness inside the company brings wellness outside the company, making the company sustainable and successful. With that in mind, JUKA proposes diversity programs that companies can implement over the long term, and supports the implementation of activities so that they can be included.
Business reorganization based on diversity such as gender, generation, nationality, people with disabilities, childcare, nursing care, telework, etc., incorporating multinational and multicultural human resources, domestic・We will support the management of companies by making use of our experience in multicultural management overseas.
We support multifaceted activities as a strategic partner of our customers.